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Bahath Marketing provides marketing services to companies that serve institutional and professional clients. The purpose of our activity is to assist our clients as they build and implement their marketing strategies.

The purpose of our activity is to assist our clients, as our clients manage, plan and promote their services. We may provide methods to measure the efficacy and alternative plans, organisational alternatives and considerations, with the intent to enable our clients to achieve coordinated activities and control. We also identify potential new market opportunities, and provide alternative marketing strategies and plans that may be used to address such new opportunities.

Our Services

-Customer Services
- Business Referral
-Client Relationship Management


Our board of directors has over 20 years of CEO and C-Level experience in regulated companies. With our long-standing experience, we have a clear understanding of what our clients and their clients are seeking. Institutional and professional clients expect a deep introductory period during which they perform their own evaluations and analysis. They expect bespoke, timely and efficient messaging through multiple channels, including also traditional websites, seminars, and newsletters.

  • Agree a budget
  • Clarity and alignment on the long-term marketing goals
  • Consistent marketing plan
  • You are a top priority account for us



Our currently foreseen clients have online services that they wish to serve to their customers in Asia Pacific, Middle Eastern and African regions.

We accept clients from most jurisdictions, and focus our main efforts on clients that serve Asia Pacific, Middle Eastern and African markets.

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